Our Beef
Our cattle are predominantly Angus and Angus cross. The number of animals we raise is limited to what our farm can naturally sustain through good pasture management.
Our Sheep
Our flock of Oxford Down ewes are selected for their gentle natures, great mothering skills, ability to convert grass to protein and their outstanding tender, mild flavor.
Our Farm
Thanks so much for considering Kaukiki Farm as your family’s meat source. Our goal is to offer the very best that clean sustainable grass, kindness, selective breeding and conscientious care can produce. Our animals are loved first and foremost. We’ve known them since their first breath, and typically know their mothers, grandmothers and even great grandparents. Each is fed nearly exclusively on grass and hay raised on our farm. Our pastures are Warwick’s pride and joy and that effort makes each mouthful the best it can be. We aren’t certified organic, but we do our best to act as such. GMO’s don’t enter our gate, nor does corn or other grains. We feed a small amount of alfalfa to our ewes and a clover/grass seed/molasses pellet to all of our animals as a special treat. Antibiotics are a rarity, as we focus first on outstanding preventative care. When injury or illness occurs antibiotics are used to treat a specific animal for a specific condition. This year all of our lambs and cattle are antibiotic pure.
We live almost exclusively on what we raise, and take in pride in knowing the care that goes into each bite. We hope that you choose to be a part of our extended family and that you gain as much pleasure and pride from serving our products as we do.
How to order
Contact us today for availability and pricing.